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About Me

This blog will be an ongoing record of my progress towards becoming a Deputy Sheriff. I hope it will inspire you to do what you have to in order to follow your dreams and complete your goals. All it takes is one step in the right direction and you're already on your way. 
I am a 24 year old female 5'4" roughly 160 lbs. Body fat 27% and sinking

I Love doing CrossFit! The benefits that I have gained from it have been beyond amazing! I  have more confidence than ever before! I feel great, have good posture, my muscles are strong and I feel healthy! I also have started to adhere to a Paleo Zone Diet, I'll be learning more about that from Robb Wolf in September at a Nutrition Certification. I will absolutely share on my blog what I learn there! I have only been doing CrossFit for 3 months but the results are amazing! I can't wait to see what the future will bring! Please feel free to send me any comments or questions! 

Life is short, make sure you live long enough