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Turkish Getups & Dumbell Burpees

Wednesday's WOD was a bit different than the other so far this week. It involved a few things I had never done before (at least at CrossFit): an Indian Run, Turkish Getups, and Dumbbell thruster Burpees (gasp).

Lets start with the Indian run- I remember doing these in soccer. If you played a high school sport, especially soccer I'm sure you probably did these too. The group gets in a single file line and heads out for a run (jog). The last person then sprints to the front of the line where they begin to jog again. It's funny how a boy's jog is a girls full run. Wait, I mean its NOT funny. It's terrible- though it does force us girls to run harder. We did this all the way around the block for a total distance of 800 meters. I was surprised that I wasn't as winded as I expected to be. - Go Team!

The Turkish Getups were very interesting - I think I've seen them done before, but I myself have never attempted them. The video below is a better demonstration than any explanation I could give. We had to find our one rep max weight. Mine was 30# dumbbell for each arm.

Finally the dumbbell thruster burpees were a bit confusing, I am still wondering if I did them right... You balance on the dumbbells to do your burpee, then you hop to a squat position, clean the dumbbells and thruster those babies up!

Dumbbell Thruster Burpees - dumbbells were all taken so I used a 25# bumper plate
Sit ups
Pull ups (I did ring rows)

The wod looked like it was going to be brutal but somehow it wasn't that bad. I could have used heavier weight definitely, and my first fingers are a bit bruised and sore from the plate being on them for my burpees but I was able to finish in 12:37. The coaches seemed disappointed stating that it should be an 8 minute workout. I was maybe the 4th finisher out of 15, and my score was 12. I was running from station to station so I dont even know how it could have been done in less time. I barely even rested! Oh well, guess I'll try harder next time!

Sorry no pictures this post.