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AMRAP with sandbag run....

AMRAP - 20 Minutes:
6 x single arm dumb bell snatch
9 x push ups
12 x double unders
Run to short corner with sandbag (w- 50#/m-100#)

It was a rough workout... (aren't they always?!)
The worst part for me was the double-unders. Finally, by the 3rd round I was able to get a rhythm down so that I could whip them out. That was definitely the reason I couldn't get through more rounds. I was pretty happy that I was able to get a better handle on the double-unders.

The sand bag run was interesting, I don't remember having to do that before. I wouldn't say that I 'liked' doing them, but they definitely weren't as bad as I thought they would be. It's a good way to feel strong!