Last night was rough but not as bad as I had imagined it would be. We warmed up by doing a max weight one rep push press - my max is 93#.
AMRAP (15 minutes)
100m Sprint
7 x 35# Kettlebell swing (Rx)
7 x 20" Box Jump (24" Rx)
7 x Pull ups (used a band... not Rx)
I did 5 rounds plus a sprint! Not too rough for a first day back! Its surprising that even though I missed about 3 weeks of CrossFit, I was able to hop right back in without it being too overwhelming. I am absolutely sore today though!
On a side/sad note... I decided to rejoin the land of the paleo/zone dieters. - no, that's not the sad part! I had a great day yesterday being really good on my diet! I had a nice salad for lunch, turkey stuffed zucchini's at dinner, then I went for dessert... I just wanted a stinking apple with some almond butter... I was cutting through the apple and missed and chopped off 1/3 of my middle finger's nail, nail bed and a bit of the tissue below it. It hurts hurts hurts! Its all wrapped up but unfortunately that means I wont be doing any WOD's that involve my hands for a while.. Looks like it will be squats/running/sit ups for the next month. It is frustrating that I get right back into working hard and working out and I injure myself. Why can't life just be FAIR!? :/ Oh, well. Still going to hit the gym tonight, hopefully I can find SOMETHING to do!
AMRAP is a Great Way to Jump Back In!
Posted by
on Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Beginning CrossFit,
CrossFit WODS,
Paleo Zone,
You should update this one as it is no longer correct. You are able to suck it up and do workouts with your hands; as demonstrated by last night's.
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