Wednesday night was a "ladies" WOD: GRACE.
I had never done Grace before but I had definitely heard of 'her'. . . all bad.
30 Clean and Jerks (w-95#/M-135#)
I was really concerned about this one as I h ad just maxed out the night before at 105, and that was already a struggle.
I set up a 95# bar and was ready to just go for it, knowing full well that it may not happen for me. I got about 7 in at the 95# weight then I took off 10 and finished it off with 85# in 11:19. I was shooting for under 12 minutes so I guess in that way I succeeded.
Doing Grace was a mind melter. Every time I put down the bar, it's like I forgot how to do the movement. Each rep was a struggle, though that makes finishing that much sweeter.
Oh Grace, I will beat you next time!
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