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I woke up early for my first Crossfit Saturday! (8-9am)

When we got there, on the board was a WOD [W.orkout O.f the D.ay] called "nicole".remember It included 3 rounds including a 400m run. While I was psyching myself up for the running, I realized that the trainer was erasing "nicole" and replacing it with "barbara" - I almost died.

5 ROUNDS of:
  • 20 Pull ups
  • 30 Push ups
  • 40 Sit ups
  • 50 Squats
Resting Exactly 3 minutes between each round (a total of 12 minutes of resting)
Lucky for me (and a few others) they created a scaled version which they named, "Barb". Basically its the same thing but halved.
5 ROUNDS of:
  • 10 Pull ups
  • 15 Push ups
  • 20 Sit ups
  • 25 Squats

Which is STILL a crazy workout! When it says 'pull ups' in a wod, know that it means I did RR's which stand for Ring Row's (ring pull ups). I was able to bust out the RR's no problem - which is SUCH a difference from the last time I had to do RR's. (that was the time that I couldn't straighten my arms for 4 days, and I could barely lift myself) The problem this time were the situps. you lay on your back, bend your legs up as if someone was going to hold your feet down, cross your arms to your shoulders and do situps. It was really tough for me to do these and now I have a bruise near my tail bone. BUT my abs hurt like crazy which means I was doing something right!

Between each round we HAD to rest exactly 3 minutes. This really helped me get through all 5 rounds. I was able to complete the WOD (the 1/2 scaled version) in 22:43 (the rest times have been subtracted).

Recap: 50 RR's (pull ups) - 75 Push ups - 100 Situps - 125 Air Squats ---in 22:43---

Overall, great workout! I was proud of my time and efforts! I even have some battle wounds to prove it!