This weekend was nice and busy! Friday night we had a CrossFit NoHo Billiards night, in Burbank. It was great to see everyone freshly showered and fully clothed! (as opposed to lying sweaty on the floor gasping for breath) Since we were out so late, we were able to talk Tim into letting us do a strength day instead of the usual WOD.
Saturday's WOD:
5 x 5 (five sets of five)
Over Head Squats

My Progression:
53lbs, 58lbs, 63lbs, 68lbs, and 73lbs
I was pretty amazed that I was able to hit 73 lbs overhead! I was however, quite disappointed in the fact that I guess I wasn't squatting all the way down, but still just being able to do 73lbs was pretty good for me!
On a nutritious note, I have been on the paleo zone diet for about a week and a half. Its been going really well and I'm not hungry really in between meals/snacks, but I am not seeing the results as fast as I would like. So, taking a hint from the TNT Diet, I'm going to cut out the fruit for the next 4 weeks. the TNT had helped me lose 30 lbs previously, so I know that part works. Its now just a matter of combining the TNT with the Paleo Zone. In my head it all makes sense. :)
Last night for dinner I had what I have named, "Lemon Sesame Chicken, with Roasted Zucchs"
1 3 oz Chicken Breast (thawed, flattened and sliced)
1 pinch of minced dried onions
1 dash of sesame seeds
3 slices of lemon (and some squeezed lemon juice)
Cook in a covered pan until done.
2 med. sliced lengthwise zucchinis
Spray olive oil on foiled cookie sheet
Lay down the zucchs and sprinkle with:
Tiny Pinch Sea Salt
Minced Dried Onion
Garlic Salt
Any other seasoning you might like
Spray again with olive oil and bake until browned slightly at 450 degrees
* They were really tasty! I'm not sure this picture does the zucchinis justice. It just goes to show that you can have other flavors BESIDES salty.*
Progress Report one week away! :)
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