Monday's 7pm WOD was:
4 rounds for time: (I used 53# barbell)
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
3 Push Presses
This was a team workout. I paired up with Esther and we were able to finish in 11:40. I do all the moves for one round, then she goes, etc for four rounds. It was tough, I did my best to keep the barbell off the ground the whole time. I think I set it down on the 4th round my hands were KILLING ME. Its interesting, sometimes I wonder if I struggle because the weight is too heavy and my muscles are tired or my hands are just too torn up to continue. I think it might be the ladder which is good for my muscles but not so good for the pads of my poor hands.
Still plugging away, I really like the Paleo Zone! My plan is to read up more about them this weekend, and I'm planning on going to a CrossFit nutrition certification in September to become 'official'. :) The beneifts are so great!!! I can't wait for the next progress report/pictures! :)
I got lazy last night, and I was super hungry so I had 3 of the most beautifully cooked eggs ever! (no veggies... oops!)

(I'm feeling a bit cartoony, & I like these little illustrations!)

Hang Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

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