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Step One: Sheriff's Written Test!

I'm trying to play catch up a little bit from the past week - I know... I'm a slacker - ANYWAY:

Last Saturday was the big day for me to take the first step towards my quest of becoming an LASD Sheriff's Deputy.

My mom decided to join me (hoping to run into some old co-workers), we arrived at 9:20am, thinking that would be plenty of time for me to get into the test at 10am - we were shocked at the amount of cars and people arriving! Once on the Academy grounds, I was told I didn't make it into the first test and that they would be holding a second test at 1:30pm that same day. There were probably about 1000 people there looking to test- though I think about 300 left after they didn't get into the first test. Each testing group was about 350 people, plus a few side classrooms for different groups.

Lucky for us it was "Women in Law Enforcement Day", so there were a bunch of different divisions and bureaus there to check out. (pictured) We saw RESCUE 5, S.E.B. (Special Enforcement Bureau), a couple officers and horses from the Sheriff Posse, one of my mom's old buses from TST (Transportation) and several other tables for specialized crimes. It was really informative and helped me to see other places I could transfer to once I make it out of the jails/patrol.

Finally, I made it into the test, I was surprised at the varying shapes and ages of people testing. Some appeared severely overweight, and others looked to be in their late forties, early fifties. We heard that since this financial downturn, about 150% more people have been coming to these tests than usually expected.
I was one of the first people finished with the written test - and it was about 45 minutes until we got our results. I was first in line of about 75-85 people with the last name starting with 'M'. I stepped up to the table and grabbed the yellow paper - PASS! 54/60!!! I was so happy! Not only did I pass, but I had a great score too! Once finished with the handing out of results, we returned to the gymnasium to take a pre background check questionnaire. It asked if you had arrests, tickets, if you've been involved in any fights, or any other types of crimes, and it asked for a complete drug history with about 3 pages full of different drugs and their nicknames.
Now I'm just waiting for an interview time and date. If I don't hear by next week, I'll give them a call to see if there is any update they can give me.

So far one step down! :D