Tuesday’s WOD:
5 Rounds for time.
30x each leg box switch taps
20x each leg weighted box step ups
10x each arm see saw press
So, a fellow classmate named Grace and I totally screwed this one up! We did the 5 rounds, and no one else had finished so we did a round 6. Turns out that's because we forgot to do 80 of the weighted box step ups! We were counting each time as one, but in order for 1 rep to count you had to do both legs! So in actuality we needed to do 40 for each round and we were only doing 20. SO, we made up the 80 extra box step ups and we still felt good! It was a great workout! :)
the switch backs were the hardest for me to get the hang of. I just couldn't get a good rhythm, finally by round 6 I was able to pull myself together.
Here are some examples of what we did; photos from www.crossfitnorthhollywood.com
Also here are some catch up meal pics from the last couple days. :)
BREAKFAST TUESDAY: Whole Grapefruit! - YUM but I was missing protein and some fat :(
LUNCH TUESDAY: CHEAT!!! An amazing lunch from Honey's Kettle Fried Chicken in Culver City. It was most definitely worth the cheat.
BREAKFAST TUESDAY: Oatmeal with 1/2 apple and a 12 oz cup of milk. Unfortunately I mismeasured the oatmeal, so I ended up with more than I needed. I ate probably 1/2 of what you see (and all the apple!)

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