150 Wallballs for time RX'd is 20 lb medicine ball, I used 10 lb medicine ball
We warmed up doing some wall squats (basically you're hugging the wall to practice posture for squats). Then we did 4 rounds of Tabata squats - do as many squats as you can in 20 seconds, then 'rest' in the squatting position for 10, then back to the active squatting. My thighs have never hurt so much from one exercise. It really felt like there were knives coated in fire stabbing them. It took a while for them to cool down, but lucky for me wallballs involve ALL squatting! (sigh)
I took about a 10 second break after about every 5 wallballs. The goal was to have
everyone do it in under 15 minutes, with the most fit doing it in under 10 minutes. I thought that was nuts! The trainers said, 15 minutes is like doing 10 wallballs every minute - which is CRAZY HARD!
I was the last one to finish (which I expected) - but I was however, astonished to realize that not only did I actually do ALL 150, I did it in 15:24! Everything hurts but I was barely over the goal!
My thumb muscles hurt the most, my glutes and all of my upper legs hurt, and my shoulders are starting to feel easily fatigued. - Maybe tomorrow's WOD will help to stretch them out! :)

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