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Progress Report #3 - July 2009

I'm a few days behind here so bear with me please! :)

Tuesday night we did the following WOD:

2 rounds for time:
12 reps right arm pushpress (35# dumbell)
12 reps left arm dead lift (63# barbell)
(doing four reps of each, switching back and forth until 12 total are completed)
400 meter run

12 reps left arm pushpress (35# dumbell)
12 reps right arm dead lift (63# barbell)
400 meter run

I was able to do it in 18:31 - not too bad it was a good one!

We finished the night be making some fabulous Crossfit NoHo tee shirts for this weekend's CrossFit Games!


Showing photos from Month 1 and Month 3! I see a difference! Can you? I actually can see my collar bones, my 'love' (handles) have gone down a lot, there is definition in the arms, and my shoulders are actual shoulders now! According to the naval circumference BMI calculation I have lost 6% of my body fat! I'm now at 27%!