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Rip! goes the hand skin...

Monday night was absolutely BRUTAL, and yet somehow I always find time to do handstands at the end :)

As if the movements of Thrusters/Burpees/Knees to Elbows weren't horrid enough, they had to go add RULES!

Here's the WOD:
In case it doesn't make sense to you, here's the low down. You have one minute each time you do thrusters to get the max number possible. Once you acheive that number in one minute you match that same number in Knees to Elbows. Then you do 5 burpees. Rinse and Repeat until you have completed 100 of each Thrusters and Knees to Elbows, and the last round of burpees - for time.

For the thrusters; Kris and Tim recommended that we use light weight most of the girls and guys (minus the beasts) used the bar only. For women this is 33# / men 45#. Thrusters to me aren't that terrible, I think my form is decent which makes it easier.

My time was 31:02 - not too great, but in my defense I got a hand rip around rep 72. Michael was nice enough to share his gloves with me - turns out gloves aren't only for gardening.. they're also good when you rip your hand off.

Class Times:

After the WOD we thought it would be a good idea to do some handstands. I got some good stalled hand stands - no wall tonight! :) look at that team effort right there!