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"Fran made me a slacker" - and other excuses

Sorry! I've basically slacked off for the past few days!

I won't bore you with past workouts, but I do want to talk about FRAN which we did on Saturday for Tim's Birthday Workout.

I had never had the opportunity to do Fran before but Tim made sure I did this weekend! It was HORRENDOUS.- I think I say that alot but it's ALWAYS true and I NEVER exaggerate! :)

For Time

Thrusters (m - 95#/ w - 65#)
Pull Ups

I did it in a bad 13:27... The good part was that I did the RX'd Weight AND i graduated to the least resistant band for pull ups. I took forever on the pullups but its all good because that was the closest I've been to being able to get one so far! My kip is coming along! After it was over my forearms were SWOLLEN I cant tell you how strange that was. Aparently it happens all the time when you do legit pull ups. yay?