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Look out! Killer WOD!

AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible

Let me just start by saying that I believe I have a love-hate relationship with AMRAPS.

I love them because you have to battle to get a high number of rounds, rather than finish in a certain time.

I hate them because they kill me every time! I hate them because they make me sweat more than any other WOD's. - These are all reasons I love them too...

21 Minute AMRAP

21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls m 95#/ w 65#
21 Kettle Bell Swings m 65# / w 35#
210 ft. Bear Crawls

Here's what a SDLHP should look like:

Sumo Deadlift High-Pull: CORRECT form from Nancy Meenen on Vimeo.

Bear Cawl should look like this: (no knees on the floor)

It was an awesome workout. I highly recommend you try it if you're looking for a shredder WOD.
I was able to do the WOD AS RX'd!!! :) AND I got a whopping 3 and 2/3 rounds done! Honestly I thought I would be lucky if I finished 2 rounds! The bear crawls were the worst part about the whole WOD. I love SDLHP's . . . but aparently i'm the only one. My brother says it's because i have a big butt. ha ha. I knew it would come in handy someday!


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