(sorry for the mini sabbatical)
I've been Paleo for about 3 weeks now. Today is the start of Week 4. I feel great! I have energy, I sleep well, I don't have uncomfortable stomach issues (thank you gluten-free diet), and my CrossFit performance has really been improving! The first week on Paleo my CrossFit performance was a little less then stellar. It seems common for your performance to wane the first week while your body is adjusting to the new diet. Once your body recognizes your not killing it with bad food anymore, it turns itself right around and turns all those good foods into FUEL! CrossFit burning fuel! This week I've had 2 heavy lift PR's and my times on metcons have been better than ever.
If you are thinking about trying to become healthy, lose weight, reduce inflammation, and improve your muscles then you HAVE TO TRY PALEO! It sounds crazy I guess if you've never heard of it before, but how can it be any crazier than a lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper + water cleanse?! What could make more sense than eating foods that grow naturally in the wild? Lean game meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds? (and eggs!). I challenge you to try it for 30 Days! You won't believe the difference! On our nutrition blog, www.paleoblocks.com, we are doing our best to provide information, tips, tricks, recipes and most of all support for the Paleo People. Go check it out!
Also, here are photos of my 2 PR's,
88# Snatch
223# Dead Lift
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