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Seriously lacking motivation...

So.. since Tuesday I've been struggling with motivation- not to mention time. I really enjoyed the run I had, but it turns out that I had something happening every night this week. I failed at my attempt to wake up at 6 to go running this morning. I'll try again tomorrow. I know what my goal is and I know how to get there, its just a matter of actually executing.
The healthy eating side of the coin is a whole different battle. It becomes difficult to make decisions on food when you are poor. They provide leftover food at work - which is great because its free... but bad because its usually rice/noodles/something else carbo-licions... but its freeeeeeee.
My smart brother said he could combat that by well, not eating. (at least til i get home where the food has been paid for previously). Also i need to remember that i can eat the cheap-y cans of tuna and various nuts/seeds that are for sale 100 yards away at the Trader Joe's. MAN I must be lazy. COME ON LAURA WAKE UP! GET UP! GO RUNNING! EAT RIGHT!

... how's that for motivation?