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Run 1.5 miles

Monday is running day, although it should happen more than once a week right now I can only seem to muster the motivation/time for Mondays...

We ran 1.5 today. Yup, Tom went with me today. Once we got going he sped off doing his thing at top speed while I sadly sputtered along. It was definitely one of those days where you feel like it takes twice as much energy as usual to push your body along. I felt like I wasn't breathing well and it was harder for me to get into a good rhythm. Eventually after a lot of hard breathing and pushing myself I made it back to the start point in a whopping 17 minutes... not the best but it could have been worse. I'll start worrying about my time once I've been doing it 3 times a week for a month. (maybe next month?) Right now I'm trying to focus more on endurance and strength. Once those are nailed down I'm sure my time will fall into place as well.


Cross fit: "its like getting nervous before a race or a game you know? it’s a good fear. its like a respect fear."