Okay, so I've convinced myself that my arms will never be straight again. That's right they have been permanently morphed into an 'L' shaped bend. Fine... it IS possible that I am exaggerating - BUT my arms have never hurt so bad in all my life!
Today I learned that I have two muscles called the 'Brachioradialis' & 'Brachialis'. What's that you say, you want more information on these newly discovered muscles? Wikipedia has the remedy:
Brachioradialis is a muscle of the forearm that acts to flex the forearm at the elbow.
The Brachialis (brachialis anticus) is a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint.
Yes, you have them too.
Brother said that these muscles hurt from the ring pull ups I did. I hope they recover soon cause I have a softball game on Saturday!
My body is so tired. I've been getting enough sleep, but I think it has been conentrating its energy efforts on muscle recovery. (which I'm thankful for of course) HOWEVER, it would be nice to NOT look like death....
Here's hoping I can get out of bed tomorrow!
Funny post. I love the anatomy lesson.
Brachio - Relating to the arm
Radius - The forearm bone that goes from the wrist to the elbow. not the Ulna.
If it make you feel any better, my Vastus Medialis, Recus Femoris, and Sartorius are killing me.
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