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This workout was a bit different from the ones we have previously done. It was mostly weight lifting work- which IS cardio, but not like the crazy stuff we had been doing. There was definitely sweating and pain involved but the outcome was different than the I'm-barely-alive-how-am-I-going-to-make-it-home type of feeling. Basically, I felt like I should have worked harder even though I used heavier weights than I would have thought possible.

5 rounds for time:

15 x dumbbell split cleans
21 x pull ups

It was kinda hard to figure out how to do the DSC - it was more brain work than I had initially expected, thinking AND doing an intense workout is never high on my to - do list.

I was able to do it in 19:40. Much to another girl's chagrin I finished right after she did - even though she appears to be in better shape than I. I spoke with the trainer and he assured me that I DID do all 5 rounds, even though the girl thought otherwise. I guess I sort of flew through it. I did all 21 pullups (RR) - no scaling there on the number! I was able to bust those out no problem. I almost 'gasp' like doing RRs. Tom thinks that since I seem to be pretty good on these that I should attempt to do a kipping pull up tonight (Thursday night). I think I might try, or at least try to learn, also i should try going lower on the ring rows just for more resistence. Its nice to know that I'm already improving and can move up in dumbell weights and try something new for pullups.

As far as soreness goes- I can definitely feel it in my trapezoids. I have an aching pain in the back of my neck and meat of my shoulders. I think the neck pain is causing a bit of a headache too - nothing a little Advil and some Bengay can't fix!

Go team!

** In the mean time I'm studying for my written Sheriff's exam THIS Saturday June 6, at 9:30am - it's also Women in Law Enforcement day down at Stars Center**