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AMRAP - Kris's WOD From the Games!

I call this "Kris's WOD" because this is the WOD she killed at the CF Games 09! 
We started out with a rough warm-up:

Run 1 mile
3 rounds x 7 each of:
dumb bell push presses
  sumo dead lift high pulls - kettle bell
box jumps
knees to elbows

Yeah, I know when they say your workout is their warm up... they mean it!

AMRAP - As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes:

4 Handstand Pushups
8 Over Head Kettle Bell Swings
12 Situps (bastard style- i.e. lay flat keep legs on ground arms flat above your head and sit up keeping your legs on the floor and your hands behind your head.)

For the handstand pushups I used a 6# med ball (roughly the size of a handball I would guess) I was stoked I was able to push up and down at all but the range of motion was minimal so Kris had me switch up every other round doing inverted box push ups - which I sucked at. I need to practice those more in order to be able to do real HPU!

Kettle Bell Swings were 35# over heads. These weren't so bad but my hands were so sweaty I thought I was going to drop it on my head! 

Finally the Sit ups really killed me. I rested on them too much. I finished with a decent 8 rounds, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I have to work on my HPU's as my next skill to master!


Anonymous said...

Really nice blog(much nicer than mine!), I'll be checking in to see how your doing.

I just started doing Crossfit this week and started a blog to track my progress. My diet needs work, and I'm completely out of shape.

Good luck (but luck will have nothing to do with it) on the Sheriff's dept. I'm sure with this much energy and intensity you'll do great!

Thanks for sharing your experience.
