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Lethal Combination...almost

I'm writing this from my iPhone as I sit in Boston's Logan Airport. I'm trying to recover from the dreaded, but aptly named, "Red Eye".

Wednesdays WOD was terrible - in a good way - I think. I went to the 12:30 class because I had to catch a plane. It was fun to see a different group of awesome NoHoers, but I think I like the night classes better- I must be a vampire, because the sun sapped me of my powers!

3 Rounds for time
9 toes to bar
12 reverse wall ball sprawls (I affectionately call these Splats)
15 snatch balances (use 50% of your 1 rep max snatch)

Usually in a wod there's at least one aspect of the different elements that I can excel in and make up time on - not in this wod. The toes to bar killed my hands - they ended up being more of a "knees to chest." The 'splats' are Burpees on top of the med ball (10#). Once you've done the Burpee you have to hurl the ball over your head, backwards, up against the wall behind you - and you have to hit it as high as possible. Not terrible, but definitely tiring! Finally, came the Snatches. Usually, these aren't too terrible - I like to think that I spent all of my energy finding my 1 rep max of 78# during the warm up. Anyhow, 15 reps each round of 43# was a killer. I was doing full squats, though I'm not sure they were necessary, but if anything I worked harder than I needed to. :) My final time was a lengthy15:40, but I was dead after so I guess that's good?

No new gym wod for me until next Monday, but I'm going to try to do some exercises. In the mean time, I'll go back to drinking my magical Dunkin Donuts coffee - all part of training to be a deputy - cheers!

Travel tip- if you're a CrossFitter NEVER take a red eye. Especially if you are already sore. :)

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