I was so stressed out on my way to the gym! [According to my iphone] EVERY FREEWAY IN LA was jam packed and glowing red! I took side streets from Sony all the way over to the Ahmanson. It was ridiculous! I just made it to the gym in time to be late for the warm up. Incidentally so was Tom, so we both had to stand in the middle while they threw 10 and 15 # Med balls at us. It was awesome. :)
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
26# Kettlebell X 21 swings (RX'd for women is 35#)
12 Pull-ups (Still dont have pullups so I do ring rows)
The workout itself was pretty good, the boys started first because there were so many of us! It bascially ended up being boys in the first wave and girls in the second (with a few guys). The run wasn't as terrible as I always imagine it will be, but I just cant seem to get myself to go any faster! I was happy though because I didn't walk at all! The kettlebell swings were horrendous. I like doing them, but my core was on FIRE with each overhead swing of the kettle bell. My abs hurt so much!
I was able to finish in 14:22, which isn't fabulous, but I was only just behind the rest of the group. It was a time I was happy with. I pushed all the way through with only a few seconds rest on the last set of kettle bells.
After the workout we started working on handstands, and one handed handstands and Leah, Tom and Kris were trying to help me kip. I NEED A PULL UP! STAT! My kip needs a lot of work but I think it's on its way! My hands just hurt so bad though!!! I think I'm going to take my gloves tonight to see if that makes it any easier.
We had a great time and Adele was able to snap some great pics!
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