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Christine sprained my ankle

Wednesday we did one of the 'girls'. Christine to be exact. Christine may sound like a nice enough gal but she ended up kicking my butt. The WOD contains the following:

3 rounds of:
  • 500m Row
  • 12 Dead lifts (rx'd is body weight, but I did 103#)
  • 21 box jumps (18 or 20 " box)
Before the workout started I thought it was going to be really hard for me to do some box jumps since I hadn't done them before. I was practicing with a 12" tall box. I was doing pretty well with it, then I missed it and landed a little weird. I didnt notice anything strange until I got home... More on that later.

We rowed 500 meters, did 12 dead lifts, and 21 box jumps x 3 = 1500 meter row, 24 dead lifts totaling 2,472 lbs, and 63 box jumps. I liked the workout but I really hurt later! I finished in 17:23. Not great, but not terrible, aparently my rowing skills aren't too efficient. Here is a link to a CF video about box jumps. VIDEO - Even a baby AND a granny can do it! Once I got into it my box jumps weren't as bad as they started out! They even looked almost effortless my brother said.

When I got home I noticed my ankle was kind of hurting (I hadn't noticed anything strange at the gym.) I took off my shoe and it looked a bit swollen and started to hurt REALLY bad. I couldn't put any weight on it and could barely make it to the shower. I elevated it and iced it when I went to bed. When I woke up, it didnt hurt as much as it did the night before but it was much more swollen. here's a pretty little picture! :) Normally I don't have a giant bulging bump on the side of my foot.